Laurels, But No Hardy Handshake At Graduation


# 3107



Okay, I admit it. 


I posted this article mainly because I wanted to use the title.


Still, it’s a sign of the times.






Swine flu scares prompt Mott Community College to hand out diploma's without congratulatory handshake

by Beata Mostafavi | The Flint Journal

Friday May 01, 2009, 1:37 PM

FLINT, Michigan -- Swine flu is putting a damper on graduation traditions.


Graduates walking the stage this weekend at Mott Community College will be receiving their diplomas -- but no handshakes.


So congratulations but please keep your hands to yourself.


The college is joining others around the country that are taking extra precautions against spreading germs on a normally touchy-feely kind of day.


Still squeamish about mingling with the large crowds? MCC is also providing free hand sanitizing liquids before and during the Saturday commencement ceremony.




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Hopefully Mel Brooks won’t mind this homage.

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