(Hopefully) A Brief Hiatus


I’ll be offline for what I hope will be only a day or two. 


In the meantime, you’ll find the best bloggers in flublogia on my sidebar.  



UPDATE: 1545 EDT  Weds June 3rd


My apologies to one and all for my unscheduled absence, and my thanks to Crof and the Revere’s at Effect Measure for carrying the load.  


I’ll resume blogging either later tonight or on Thursday Morning. 


My thanks to everyone who emailed, concerned about my wellbeing.    I’ll try to return your emails over the next day or two. 


By way of explanation, I’ve not really been playing hooky.   I left such a cryptic message because things took an unexpected turn for me late last week.


Last Friday, I experienced a serious G.I. bleed, and have spent the past 5 days going through the usual battery of tests one associates with such an event.   


Payback, no doubt, for all the things I did to patients when I was a paramedic.  Sigh.


The good news is, its over.  


They didn’t find anything awful, and while I may be on a lighter blogging schedule for the next few days, things should be back to normal by the weekend.

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