WHO Moves Up Swine Flu Meeting


# 3061



On Saturday it was decided to wait until Tuesday to convene an expert meeting by the WHO (World Health Organization) to decide on whether to raise the global pandemic threat level.


A short while ago it was announced that a meeting would be held today, instead.


Whether this means we will get an announcement today is unclear.



WHO moves up expert meeting regarding swine flu

4/27/2009, 7:30 a.m. EDT

The Associated Press

(AP) — LONDON (AP) ? The World Health Organization is moving up a meeting of its international flu experts because of the increasing number of confirmed swine flu cases in the U.S. and Canada.


The group met on Saturday and planned to meet again on Tuesday to advise WHO on issues such as whether the current pandemic alert level should be raised. But the experts will now meet on Monday afternoon because of the spread of the illness.


On Saturday WHO declared swine flu a public health emergency of international concern. WHO spokesman Dick Thompson says Monday's meeting will allow WHO to get more advice from the experts about what the rising case load means.

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