UK: Confirms 2 Cases Of Swine Flu


# 3065



Over the next few days it is likely that we’ll see a lot of announcements such as this one.  


The good news is, these patients are reportedly `recovering well.’





First two cases of swine flu in Britain: minister

Apr 27 12:46 PM US/Eastern

Two people admitted to a Scottish hospital after travelling to Mexico have been confirmed as the first cases of swine flu in Britain, Scottish Health Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Monday.


"I can confirm that tests have demonstrated conclusively that the two Scottish cases of swine flu are positive," she said, adding that the two confirmed patients were "recovering well."


Seven other people who came into contact with them, among 22 tested, have developed mild symptoms of the flu, she said.


Sturgeon added: "I would reiterate that the threat to the public remains low and that the precautionary actions we have taken over the last two days have been important in allowing us to respond appropriately and give us the best prospect of disrupting the spread of the virus."


An outbreak of the flu in Mexico has killed at least 149 people.


British health minister Alan Johnson said earlier that Britain was implementing "enhanced" health checks at entry points into the country to identify passengers arriving with symptoms of the illness.

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