Suspicious Respiratory Death In Russia Investigated



# 3015



The Russian News and Information Agency  RIA Novosti is carrying a report today about a (23 year-old) woman who died while traveling aboard a train from the Far Eastern Russian City of Blagoveshchensk enroute to Moscow.


While SARS is mentioned (repeatedly) in the article as being a possible diagnosis, testing is underway, and no definitive cause of her death has been established.


Here is the (very) preliminary RIA Novosti Report, originally posted by Ironorehopper.




Chinese woman dies from suspected SARS on Moscow-bound train

15/ 04/ 2009

MOSCOW, April 15 (RIA Novosti) - A Chinese woman has died from what may be Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) while traveling on a train from the Far East Russian city of Blagoveshchensk to Moscow, a medical source said on Wednesday.


The train was stopped in the central Russian city of Kirov and around 60 train passengers were sent to a local hospital. Six of them are reported as running fevers, the source said, although Kirov Region officials have said that none of them were suffering from SARS.


The carriage in which the woman was travelling was disconnected from the rest of the train, which then continued on its way to Moscow.


Russia's sanitary watchdog spokesman was unable to confirm that the woman had died from SARS.


"Doctors are currently establishing a preliminary diagnosis," he said.


Kirov Region administration officials said that the final results of the analysis would be ready in 24 hours' time.



Over the past few hours the newshounds on Flutrackers have been searching out new information on this case, and are translating and posting the information on this thread.



This is raw data. 


Machine translated news articles for the most part, and some of the information is highly speculative.  



Reporting out of Russia often resembles tabloid journalism, and so one must be careful how much credence to give some stories.


For those interested in following the process, however, this thread makes for fascinating reading. 


As long as you accept that the value of the data, right now, is unknown.



A more recent report, translated again by Ironorehopper, escalates the story a bit.  Once again, confidence in these early reports is pretty low.



The nightmare of the past is back: dead Chinawoman infected the whole car


Today, the railway emergency incident happened - in the morning at the station «Zuevka» Gorky Kirov branch of iron in one of the train Samara-Moscow and died a citizen of the PRC, the site



A woman died in car number two in 9 hours and 25 minutes. Her body was removed at the same station and taken to the district hospital.


This car had 51 passengers - the citizens of China - and 2 conductor.


In the Kirov to the wagon drove ambulances. Doctors have found 7 people like symptoms - high fever.


As a result, 53 people were rushed to hospital in the city's infectious. As the site Pretsedent.Vyatka, put a cordon around the hospital.


Doctors at the clinic are not in direct contact and reported that it was not going to comment on the incident.




If this is SARS, then this would potentially be a big deal.   But that’s a pretty big `if’.


This could just as easily be Avian Flu, or some other more common form of atypical pneumonia.  


Reports that a number of passengers on the train have been hospitalized may well be true, but it may also simply be due to an abundance of caution.


While we’ll keep an eye on this story, for now it is simply too early to make any judgments over the cause of this unfortunate woman’s death.  


If this is SARS, or H5N1, we’ll no doubt hear more.

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