Saturday Morning Referrals



# 3033



As the swine flu (and ongoing avian flu) story progresses, I’ll be making referrals to other bloggers that I trust, and who are on top of the story.  



DemFromCt, who is a doctor in real life, has as good of a summary of where we are with this Swine Flu outbreak as I’ve seen.


What Does The Swine Flu Outbreak Mean?


Meanwhile, the Revere’s  (who are public health professionals)  at Effect Measure weigh in with a blog about the possible upgrading of the WHO’s Pandemic Alert phase to level 4.



Swine flu: while we wait . . .



As the Revere’s  point out, we’ve got more questions than answers right now.   Frustrating, I know.  For you, for us, and for the Public Health scientists who are under the gun.


But that is the nature of these things.  We have to wait for data to be collected and analyzed.   And the picture may change over time as well.


Stay tuned . . .

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