Riau Neighborhood Proclaimed (KLB) Exceptional Bird Flu Status


# 2969




After the confirmed death of a toddler (Wahyu) last week, and amid reports that some family members are now suffering from fever, authorities have announced that the boy’s neighborhood is now under KLB (Exceptional Status) for bird flu.


KLB in Indonesia basically refers to a heightened public health alert.


It appears that the area is being closely monitored, Tamiflu is being dispensed to anyone with fever, and that testing is underway among Wahyu’s family and neighbors.


For now, we have no word on any additional confirmed cases, beyond the initial fatality Wahyu.  This declaration may represent nothing more than an abundance of caution on the part of authorities. 


This translation from the Bird Flu Information Corner  weblog which is a a joint endeavor between Kobe University, Japan and Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, Indonesia.



Pekanbaru, Riau ::: Exceptional bird flu status (KLB)

April 3, 2009

Pekanbaru, Riau – Health service of Pekanbaru announced exceptional bird flu status (KLB) on neighborhood of bird flu victim, Wahyu Ibnu Saputra (2.9), Jalan Kuantan Jalan Kuantan VII, RT 7, RW 4, Kelurahan Tanjung Rhu, Kecamatan Limapuluh. Health service conducts three standard programs for prevention of bird flu virus spreading.

Actions taken are: Area monitoring to Jalan Kuantan VII, RT 7, RW 4, Kelurahan Tanjung Rhu, Kecamatan Limapuluh; Proclaiming bird flu alert status to people who had contact history with victim; and Giving tamiflu and hospital recommendation to people who develop high fever.


This is mentioned by Pekanbaru health service officer, dr Rini Hermiyati Thursday (2/4). For this prevention purpose, Health service is working together with Agriculture service Pekanbaru.


“People with high fever will receive Tamiflu administration and recommendation for regional hospital. This is done for bird flu exceptional circumstances status areas”, said Rini. Investigation and preventive measures will be done for 30 days started from Monday (30/3) to neighborhood 500 meter around victim’s house.


Bird flu H5N1 virus has killed 3 people in Riau since 2007. Two fatalities reported in 2007 at Kecamatan Rumbai and Marpoyan Damai; and one fatality in 2009 at Kecamatan Lima Puluh.


Source: Riau Pos

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