Report: Two Canadian Provinces With Suspect Swine Flu Cases


# 3052



A hat tip to Crof at Crofsblog for picking up on this Canadian Press piece on suspect cases on opposites sides of Canada; Nova Scotia and British Columbia.


Details are all but non-existent right now.  There appear to be 5 suspect cases at this time. 



Sources say at least two provinces have swine flu cases


TORONTO — Sources say Canada's first cases of swine flu have come to light, at different ends of the country.


They say Nova Scotia and British Columbia have both discovered cases of people infected with unidentifiable influenza A viruses, which are being tested at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.


Because swine flu is so new, most laboratories don't have tests to identify them, and they show up as untypeable influenza A when tests are run.


Sources say Nova Scotia has three cases, in people with a travel link to Mexico. Officials in the province have called a press conference for this afternoon.


Sources say British Columbia has found a pair of cases but it is not yet clear if they have a link to Mexico.

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