Referral: Next Steps On H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)


# 3097



DemFromCt (who is an M.D. in his `other’ life) is the editor of the Flu Wiki, and writes for the Daily Kos.    He has been an outspoken proponent for preparing for the next pandemic for many years.


Today he has a blog entitled:


Next Steps On H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)


Follow the link to read the whole thing.  But I’d like to excerpt one particularly well stated paragraph here.


Get used to the word pandemic. It's not a dirty word, or alarmist, or hype. It's a description of a novel virus that can spread human to human and causes disease. Right now, the disease seems relatively mild outside of Mexico, but all of the above effort is not based on where we are now, it's anticipating where we might be in two weeks or four. Or longer. people aren't used to thinking longer, but for now, just accept that things can possibly get worse before getting better, even though things can very well stay mild. Uncertainly is driving prudent precaution. Rather than rail against "hype", take some prudent steps to prepare yourself and your family, and that includes reviewing the above, covering your cough, and planning for school closures.


Now . . . go read the rest of it.

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