Referral: Ground Zero At The ASEAN Conference


# 2996




As some of my readers already know, my brother lives in Thailand and is also a blogger (it’s a genetic defect).  



He normally writes about life in Thailand, and his nearly 3 decades as an entertainer, but for the past 24 hours he’s been blogging on the state of emergency surrounding the ASEAN Conference being held about 2 km from where he lives.



The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit was being held in Pattaya, Thailand – a tourist destination on the coast, about 2 hours by taxi south of Bangkok.





Normally, Pattaya is about as far removed from political controversy as you can get.   But today thousands of `Red Shirts’, voicing opposition to Thailand’s Prime Minister, forced their way into the hotel where the ASEAN conference was being held.


The conference has now been cancelled, according to the latest reports.



But I’ll let my brother take the story from here.



Friday, April 10, 2009

ASEAN Turmoil

For all my friends who have expressed concern for my safety during the ASEAN Conference protests occuring near my home,rest assured I'm fine! The Royal Cliff Hotel, where the summit is being held is a bout 2 km from my home.

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The State of "The State of Emergency"

News breaking fast here in Pattaya... (From The Nation)

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Yellow Shirts Push Back

From the Bangkok Post...

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"War" In Pattaya over for now?

From The Nation

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

As the Dust Settles....

As in almost all fast moving breaking news, there are bound to be false reports and rumour reported as fact.

Today in Pattaya is no different. In an earlier post, I referred to a rumour that a Red Shirt Protester had been killed. Since then, I have not found any news report to confirm that as fact.

News outlets are reporting that 10 people were injured. Details are few.

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As my brother points out in his blog, he is well provisioned with food, water, and medicines and so he is not particularly concerned over his safety.   He can stay home if he believes going out might be dangerous.


Proving once again the value of preparedness.


You can read about  my brother’s travels as an entertainer, and his life in Thailand, by following his blog  Have Banjo, Will Travel.

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