Welcoming Flu News Network Forum



# 2892



The only thing constant about the Internet is Change.


Last year, we lost one of our best news blogs, when Orange at The Coming Influenza Pandemic?  brought the curtain down after nearly 4 years.   A couple of years ago, the Flu Patrol ceased operations.


The Flu Wiki, of course, has been in operation since 2005, and Flutrackers has since early 2006.  This humble blog began in January 2006 as well.


Today Crof over at Crofsblog  celebrates his 4th Blogiversary.  Congratulations my friend!


In Internet years, 4 years is a long time.


But as some blogs and forums fall by the wayside, other new sites appear to take their place.   We've seen the emergence of Pandemic Information News and the Bird Flu Corner in the past 6 months, both of which provide valuable content for flublogia.


One of the sites in my sidebar is called the Flu News Network, which is a news roll/blog run by Cottontop, one of the hardest working flu newshounds on the Internet.  


The Flu News Network blog has been up about a year.


Today, Cottontop posted this announcement regarding a new flu forum.


Flu News Network Forum

Posted on March 12, 2009 by niarane

Flu News Network has a new forum. It’s just nicely been set up so come on over and join us in pan flu discussion. This forum was started to put the grassroots back into the movement of pandemic awareness and community. It is my intent to make this as much like home as possible, and for our members to not only get news but to have fun too. Sadly, such forums have gotten away from this very idea. It is Flu News Network’s intention to bring that back.


Hope to see you there.



Early members include some of the best newshounds on the Internet, many of which you've seen mentioned in this blog over the years. 


People like Carol@SC, Mojo, History Loverbgw in MT, and of course Cottontop.


Flu forums all have different personalities.  Some are more conversational than others.  Some are more hard-news or scientifically oriented.  


Rather than promote one forum over another, I generally advise people to check out the available forums and see which ones (you can belong to more than one!) are the best `fit' for your interests and personality.


The Flu News Network Forum uses a new platform (well, new to me anyway) called NING.  A social networking/forum/blog format from the looks of it -a bold departure from the standard forum format. 


As the site grows, I'll take more time to explore it.  In the meantime, you might want to have a look at it yourself. 


I'll be putting a link to it in my sidebar today.

Welcome, and Good Luck with the new forum!

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