SAIDR: Strengthening Avian Influenza Detection & Response



# 2863



Yesterday I added the SAIDR website to my sidebar, under Specialty News Sources.   I had attempted to access this site repeatedly a couple of months ago, but was foiled by constant time-out errors. 


Whatever the problem was then, they've fixed it.


In returning to the SAIDR site, I found a well thought out, easy to navigate, and refreshingly up-to-date information portal.




(screen shot taken 3/5/09)



The SAIDR site describes themselves this way (reformatted for readability):


SAIDR (Strengthening Avian Influenza Detection & Response) is a USAID-funded effort in support of the Government of Egypt’s national program to detect and respond to avian and pandemic influenza.


SAIDR is a partnership between Egypt’s Ministry of Health & Population (MOHP) and Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation (MALR), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the USAID project Communication for Healthy Living implemented by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs.


Allied organizations include UNICEF Egypt, the United Nations Development Program, the Egyptian Red Crescent Society, and Save the Children Egypt.


That's a pretty impressive pedigree. For those unfamiliar with USAID, here is how they describe themselves:


The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency that provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States. - USAID FAQ


During the first couple of months of 2009, Egypt has seen at least 6 confirmed human infections from the H5N1 virus.   The SAIDR site has a detailed list of human cases since December 2008 here.


They have this to say about the most recently reported case:


  • Date of report: 4 March 2009
    Governorate: Alexandria
  • District: Amira


  • Event summary: Boy, age 2½, began experiencing symptoms March 3. The same day, he was admitted to Alexandria Fever Hospital and received Tamiflu. Infection with avian influenza was confirmed March 4. His family reported a history of close contact with dead and sick poultry. The child was in a good general condition March 4. The MOHP reported this was the 57th case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Egypt.


  • Source of report: Amr Kandeel, Undersecretary for preventative affairs, MOHP Samir Refaie, Head of Epideiology and Surveillance Unit, MOHP



SAIDR also keeps a running list of animal positive cases, as well.






Outbreaks and human cases are available on a user-interactive map.  You can zoom in to get a better look, or remove various types of incidents to reduce the clutter.


You'll also find plenty of other relevant information here as well, including PPE guidelines, FAO News, UN documents, and other avian flu related news.


Kudos to SAIDR, and their partners, for coming up with this badly needed information portal.

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