Indonesia: Media Says Riau Fatality Was Positive H5N1


# 2956



From the indefatigable Dutchy on Flutrackers, this morning we get this report indicating a `local confirmation’ of a bird flu fatality  last Thursday in Riau, Indonesia. 


The details of this case were widely covered last week (see Suspected Bird Flu Fatality in Pekanbaru and BFIC On The Indonesian Suspects).


Of course, it isn’t really official until Depkes – the Health Ministry -say’s it’s official. 


And that hasn’t happened yet.


And it may not happen for weeks, if it ever happens at all.   The Health Ministry releases information on human cases only rarely, and usually without significant detail.


So, despite this `local confirmation’ - for now - this case hangs in that ethereal realm somewhere in between `suspected’ and `confirmed’.    



This report comes from the Riau Terkini.



On Tuesday, March 31 2009

Wahyu Positive Bird Flu

Wahyu was stated positive bird flu after results of his sample that was taken some time before evidently positive. Regrettably, City Health Service did not yet get official results.


Riauterkini-Pekanbaru-Wahyu (2.9), that died last week was stated positive bird flu after the sample of his blood was accepted Health Service Provinsi Riau.


Positive him the revelation died because bird flu was sent Head of the Health Service Riau, Mursal Amir via his mobile phone. We just received the sample this morning.


Wahyu was positive bird flu, said Mursal. The temporary assumption, Wahyu was affected by the bird flu virus from the poultry that died was not far from his house.


Concerning the step in anticipation against this case, Diskes (= Health Service, ed) , continued Mursal, has collected data on people that was round Wahyu. Both the closest person and the paramedic who treated Wahyu during in the hospital.


In the meantime, Plt Kadiskes Pekanbaru, Rini Hermiyati that was contacted in the place was separated admitted to not yet getting the report produced by the sample. I still could not the report. Knew from where? , he said. If quite positive, he continued, has been protap dealt with the case of bird flu.


How if positive, or the negative. That was certain, continued Rini, while 21 days were carried out by observation for people that had been round Wahyu during still lived. The certain number, I did not know. From the close family had 6 people.


That not to mention from the paramedic RSUD Arifin Ahmad, he added. Did not close the possibility, these people suffered the sign was the same as Wahyu.


Rini like definitely was not yet there are those that had the hot and feverish sign high although he could get the report. The sign, yesterday was available... Later I asked previously that the observer, said Rini without continued said-he said .




This story indicates that local officials in Riau have not been officially notified, and therefore are not taking all of the `control measures’ that they would if a positive result were announced.

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