# 2880
If you've been prudent and have followed the advice from the Red Cross, and from FEMA, READY.GOV, and the HHS, you've put together an emergency kit for you and your family.
Since the advice has been to store ready-to-eat (or at least easy to prepare) foods, many people have added items like granola bars, crackers, and snack bars to their emergency food stash.
FEMA is asking that you check your emergency supplies against the the FDA's ever-growing recall list (3300+ items) of possibly Salmonella contaminated products, and remove them.
Many of these stockpiled items could contain bacteriological `grenades' , which can sit quietly for months or years, ready to sicken anyone who consumes them . . . and at the worst possible time; during a crisis.
Some of these products could have been manufactured and purchased months ago. So, check your pantry, and your emergency kit today for possibly contaminated items.
A hat tip to Florida1 of FluTrackers for this link.
FEMA: Check Emergency Kits For Recalls
U.S. - Currently the United States is in the midst of one of the largest food recalls in American history. As Americans dig through their cabinets and refrigerators to remove potentially contaminated food associated with the recent peanut recall, FEMA would like to also remind citizens to open and check their Emergency Preparedness Kits to remove any potentially harmful items from these also.
Because peanut products are often recommended as staples in Emergency Preparedness Kits due to their long shell life and because they are a good source of protein, we encourage all kit owners to look at their kits to ensure food products are not on the peanut recall list. Please keep in mind that the peanut product recall extends beyond peanut-flavored products. The following are some examples of foods also included in the recall that may contain peanuts:
* Granola
* Snack bars
* Crackers
* Cereal
* Trail Mix
* Cookies
* Noodles
* Dog treats
A full list of recalled peanut products and what individuals should do with recalled items can be found on the Food and Drug Administrations Web site,
In addition to checking for peanut-related items, please be sure to check for other items in your kit that may have expired, including medications, food and pet food, water, and other recalled items. The U.S. government provides information on unsafe, hazardous, or defective products ranging from consumer products, food, medicine, and cosmetics at www.recalls.gov .
Ensuring family and neighbors are prepared is an essential step in helping communities during and after an emergency. Families should have an Emergency Preparedness Kit in all locations that are frequented often, including homes, offices, schools, cars and day care facilities. These kits should hold a variety of essential items that are needed during a disaster, such as a flashlight, radio, cash, clothing, protective equipment, medicines, and of course food and water. For a complete list of Emergency Preparedness Kit recommended items, please visit
http://www.fema.gov/plan/prepare/supplykit.shtm .
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