The HHS Would Like Your Opinion



# 2786




If you are a regular reader of this blog, no doubt you've paid many visits to the HHS's pandemic flu web site. 


But on the off chance you haven't,  has enough information about pandemic preparedness and planning to keep you busy reading for weeks.




Of course, no matter how good the site might be, there are always areas where it could be improved.   And here is where you can help. The HHS is asking your opinion of how they can improve this site.


What information are you most interested in knowing?

How can the site be made easier to view or navigate?


What can the HHS do to improve the information on the site?



There's a `suggestion box'  on the front page, where you can leave your comments.  


Also, if you are on Twitter, you can received feeds from the  HHS by following  BirdFluGov  and AndrewPWilson.


Believe it or not, your government is learning how to listen to you. 


Don't worry. 


It may take awhile, but you'll get used to it.

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