Indonesia: Watching Tangerang Again



# 2819




From  Treyfish of Pandemic Information News, and posted on Flutrackers, we get this report of two suspect human cases of bird flu from Tangerang, Indonesia.








Tangerang is a city in Banten, Indonesia located about 20 km west of the Jakarta.  


It has been the site of a number of human cases, both confirmed and suspected, with the most recent confirmed case being a 29-year-old female who developed symptoms on December 11th, was hospitalized on the 13th, and died three days later.


Today's report, which appears on, concerns two children suspected of being infected by the H5N1 virus, one of which has died. 


I underline `suspected' because, while the article mentions a positive laboratory test (twice), we've seen no official announcement from Depkes, the Health Ministry.  



The fatality, a child named Kaila Nabila, died after three days in the hospital, on February 17th.  Kaila was initially diagnosed with DBD (Dengue) which is a common viral fever in Indonesia.


According to the news report, the Hospital has not released a diagnosis, but the father has been told by `village staff that Litbangkes said my child terjangkit the bird flu virus'


Litbangkes , according to Dutchy (who is much better at these translations than I), is Laboratory of Department of Health.


According to the media report, an agricultural agent in Tangerang was also informed of the positive lab result, and he has taken samples from poultry in the area. 


While not definitive, this would seem to add to the reliability of this report.


Hospitalized, and still receiving treatment is a 15 year old named Maya Suparni.   Little else about this second patient was mentioned in this report.






Two Tangerang residents were expected by Bird Flu, one was killed
on Sunday, February 22 2009 - 18:42


Tangerang - Kaila Nabila (2.9) the resident Kp Cilenggang RT 02/04, the Serpong Subdistrict, the Tangerang City South was suspected of dying resulting from terjangkit the bird flu virus.


Apart from Kaila, the Tangerang resident other that is Maya Suparni (15) the resident blossomed Jaya, Sepatan was expected also terjangkit the bird flu virus and currently still in the process of the maintenance in bird flu space of RSU Tangerang.


Ade Sulaiman, casualties's father claimed in the date to be 14 Febuari then his child experienced the high fever. And at that time also he at once carried the child both of them this to the community health centre and the clinic of the child's specialist close to his house.

The "clinic at that time told so that in referred to RS Fatmawati because of having the affected assumption DBD,"ujar him when being met in his house, on Sunday (22/2/2009)." In RS Fatmawati his child received the maintenance for three days. However because the condition for his child continued to descend, finally his life was not helped again in the date 17 Febuari then.


Ironically again, Ade admitted to not knowing definitely what became the cause of the death of his child. "Until this I had not received the news from RS Fatmawati what caused my child to die." And I only received the news from the village staff that Litbangkes said my child terjangkit the bird flu virus, his regret.


Ade also admitted to submitting on his child's trip and currently the child him has been buried in TPU Kramat Tajug. Despite this he hoped that the Kesehatan Service side of the Tangerang Regency to the front more was open to casualties's family.


The death of the resident Cilenggang that was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus was justified by the Training of the Team of the Cepat Movement of Bird Flu and Livestock Breeding of the agricultural service of Kabupaten Tangerang, Zaifiwar.



According to him, he has received information from Litbangkes that Kaila Nabila positive affected H5N1. His side has carried out the taking of the sample of the available poultry in this area. "It will not yet have results, later if being was reported by me," ucapnya.

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