# 2746
Tomorrow, February 4th, 2009 the HHS will host a webcast of the Vaccine Safety Working Group Meeting.
It is apparently scheduled to run roughly 4+ hours, which may make it difficult for some to attend.
In any event, I plan to catch as much of it as I can. Here is the information.
The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC)
Webcast of February 4, 2009 Vaccine Safety Working Group Meeting
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Vaccine Program Office’s Vaccine Safety Working Group (a working group of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, NVAC) has sought broad public input into the scientific research agenda that is being developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Immunization Safety Office (ISO).
Please join us on February 4 as the NVAC Vaccine Safety Working Group discusses outcomes and issues highlighted in three public engagement sessions held recently in Birmingham, Alabama; Ashland, Oregon; and Indianapolis, Indiana. A summary of the written comments sent to HHS, in response to a Request for Information, will also be discussed.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009. 8 am-12:30 pm EST
Go to videocast.nih.gov on February 4. The Webcast will be listed under Today’s Events as NVAC Vaccine Safety Working Group Meeting.
Registration is not required. To view the Webcast, visit the Web site above at 8 am on Wednesday, February 4. It is recommended that you visit the Test Computer page on the NIH Videocast Web site to ensure that your computer can play the live video stream prior to the beginning of the event. RealPlayer is required to view the Webcast.
If you cannot view the Webcast, but would like to listen to the meeting, you can do so by calling 888.469.2187, participant passcode 2973732.
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