Governor Kathleen Sebelius Nominated To Head HHS


# 2847





Governor Kathleen Sebelius



It appears that the media speculation, placing Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius at the top of President Obama's list to head up the HHS, was correct.  


This from the Washington Post.







Sebelius Accepts HHS Post

By Ceci Connolly

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius accepted President Obama's nomination to become Health and Human Services Secretary this afternoon, according to administration officials. Sebelius will replace former senator Thomas A. Daschle, who withdrew from consideration last month.


"This evening, the President asked Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to serve as his Secretary of Health and Human Services, and she accepted," one administration official said. "The President will formally announce the nomination on Monday afternoon at the White House."

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