Feedback On The HHS's PandemicFlu.Gov Site



# 2809



Last week the HHS added a temporary `suggestion box' to the front page of their pandemic flu information site ( asking for reader's comments on how the site could be improved.


I blogged about this effort last Thursday in The HHS Would Like Your Opinion.


Well, the HHS has posted the first batch of suggestions under  Tell Us What Your Think: Your Comments


As of right now, there are 73 comments posted.  More have been submitted, and will be posted in the next day or two.


A few samples include:


We asked you to tell us what you thought of the site. Here is what you have had to say so far:


  • Get rid of the comment box :) Ok, seriously, move the maps above the headlines in the center of the page. Am more interested in finding local statistics, as opposed to national.... 

  • Info on this site is great. It does feel busy. I would reduce the visual noise a bit. But good info and easy to access. 

  • The homepage is very busy. I'm not sure where to focus my eyes and what I should be looking at or for. 

  • I believe that the product guy ( suggest that you need more visual hierarchy. My eye doesn't know where to go, and all links seem of equal value. Except for your feedback box, which is brilliantly front and center. 

  • I'd like to see a more consumer-friendly interface and language - right now the site is full of text and links, but it seems a little overwhelming - not sure where to go to get basic information on all aspects of planning for individuals. I'd also like to see more about healthcare - will people need to avoid hospitals and clinics? What will special populations such as pregnant/laboring women and the disabled need to plan for? 

  • Site looks like it was designed in the early 90's. needs a color/logo improvement. What is PlanFirst? you gotta get rid of the clip art by the survey link. 

  • The information below in the 4 boxes (Nations w/H5N1 Avian, Where You Live, The Great Pandemic & the Storybook) would be great to have in a tabbed format similar to WebMD's Keep up the great work! 




    It isn't too late to add lend your voice to this effort.  Visit and give them the benefit of your best advice.


    For those of you with Twitter accounts (it's free, it's easy)- if you add BirdFluGov  and AndrewPWilson  you'll get frequent updates directly from the HHS.





    And while I'm at it, I'd like to thank all of my readers who have sent in suggestions with what they'd like to see me do with my blog.

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