Referral: DemFromCt On `Flu And You - Pt 1'



# 2646



On what is a fairly quiet news Sunday (well . . . for pandemic news, anyway)  DemFromCt (who is also one of the founders of the Flu Wiki) has an excellent overview of seasonal flu today on the Daily Kos.



This is Part 1Part II will appear next week.






Flu And You - Part I

by DemFromCT
Sun Jan 11, 2009 at 09:53:28 AM PST

Let's be clear: what makes it a bad flu season is if you (or your family) get it. With that in mind, let's talk about the upcoming flu season, what you need to know about it, and (more next week in Part II) relate it to pandemics and pandemic preparedness and what you need to know about that.


How do we know flu season is coming? It comes every year around this time, from Florida to Maine. Flu can hit any time between November and March, but the last few years, February has been the month.



(Continue . . . )




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