Nepal: Concerns Rise Over More Poultry Deaths


# 2716



Exactly what is going on in Nepal is difficult to tell given the conflicting news reports we've received over the past few days.    


On Sunday, I outlined the progression of reports and denials that have come over the news wires  regarding suspect human infections in Conflicting Reports Out Of Nepal.


Today, we get this report (Hat tip  UK-BIRD at Flu Wiki) indicating that villagers are now worried over mysterious poultry deaths in Sindhuli. 


Investigators are headed to the area, presumably to collect samples.


This from Nepal News.





Sindhuli villagers terror-stricken after flocks of chicken die of unknown disease ag Jan 28 09


Even as the government has been trying to dispel rumours about the spread of bird-flu virus in the country, a report from Sindhuli says more than 1,000 chickens have died of unknown disease in a remote village of the district.


The state-owned National News Agency quoted a local poultry farmer as saying that the chicken died from the disease that has spread for the past few days.


The chicken had died with "swollen throat and accumulation of water", something not seen before, the agency said.


The news about deaths of chicken from unknown disease has terrorized the whole village as they suspect it could be an outbreak of bird-flu virus, according to the report.


Technical team from the District Livestock Office is on its way to the village.


Technician of the office, Tika Shrestha, said the outbreak was because no medicines were given to the chickens in time.


On Sunday, the government said that apart from eastern Nepal district of Jhapa no case of bird- flu was reported in other parts of the country. Spokesperson at the ministry of agriculture and cooperatives, Hari Dahal said that no person has been infected with the bird flu virus in Kathmandu or elsewhere in the country, and that the mass media has tried to create panic among valley denizens by claiming that bird flu has entered the valley.

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