Watching Egypt Again



# 2581



Last week we learned of the death of a 16-year-old girl from Assuit Governorate in Upper Egypt.  She was Egypt's 23rd bird flu fatality.


Since then, we've learned that several members of her family are either quarantined, or are under observation, with some showing flu-like symptoms.


We've not heard any updates on their condition, which may be good news.  Egyptian authorities rarely seem to announce negative results. 


Today, Dutchy on Flutrackers brings an article from, this time with a 4-year-old suspect case.  


Egypt, of course, has tested literally thousands of suspect cases over the past two years, and of those, only 51 have proven positive for the virus. 



New Suspected Case Of Infection From Bird Flu

Ceyhan wrote Ibrahim Khalifa, India 12-22-2008

Penha Hospital admitted detained Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed (4 years) from the village of Arab sand of the Center for Quesna Mounovip on suspicion of being infected with bird flu.


And Dr. Hisham Atta, Deputy Minister of Health the government, was setting up an operation room to follow up any notifications received on the Directorate of suspected cases of bird flu,


The execution was the home of all domestic birds infected, through the committee, which was formed from the Directorate of Health and veterinary medicine, agriculture and Security Directorate, has been taking samples from nearby houses to be examined, taking a sample of children who were sent to central labs in Cairo for analysis.

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