Egypt: Family of Five In Isolation



# 2594



A big hat tip to Florida1 on Flutrackers for picking up this story from the Arabic Press (finding bird flu stories in Arabic isn't easy!). 



The article relates that a 45 year old associate veterinarian, his wife, and three sons are in isolation in a hospital ward devoted to suspected bird flu cases.  They are on Tamiflu (Altamflo), and blood samples have been drawn for testing.



No city of origin is given, which is unusual. 





Family of suspected infection

5 members from bird flu

West - Ali Oboudecic:

Hospital admitted yesterday detained Mahala Fathi Abdul Sattar, "45 years" associate veterinarian, "and his wife and his three sons" in the section devoted to cases of suspected bird flu, after the emergence of symptoms of high temperature and severe pain, severe cough and joints, where the drug was given and the withdrawal of Altamflo a sample of blood sent to the laboratory and the central Ministry of Health.


It also has a committee of veterinary medicine to death more than a dozen ducks were Bhzirp the house and cleaning up the place and the imposition of Kerdoun security until the arrival of the results of tests to determine the extent of the injury or not.



The last paragraph is a bit confusing, as happens often in these machine translations.  It appears to indicate some sort of culling of ducks, but exactly when this occurred, and its relationship to these suspect cases isn't readily apparent.





In what appears to be a separate case, we have another news article in the Arab press (hat tip, again, Florida1) regarding a 35 year-old hospitalized, suspected of having the H5N1 bird flu virus.


A new suspected case of bird flu in the lake

البحيرة ـ تامر عبدالرءوف‏:‏

Tamer Abdul Rauf, the lake:

للاشتباه في إصابته بإنفلونزا الطيور‏,‏ تم حجز عبدالله منجد إبراهيم‏35‏ سنة من قرية منشية مهنا بكوم حمادة بمستشفي حميات الإسكندرية بعد ظهور أعراض الإصابة بالمرض عليه‏.‏ ونظرا لمخالطته الطيور التي تربيها زوجته أعلي سطح منزله‏,‏ اشتبه الأطباء في حالته وتم تحويله إلي حميات الإسكندرية وأخذ عينات منه وإرسالها إلي المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة‏.‏


On suspicion of having bird flu, has been reserved Munjid Abdullah Ibrahim, 35, from the village of Kom Hamada Manshiyat Mihanna fevers Alexandria hospital after the emergence of the symptoms of the disease. In view of the coming flu, which has kept his wife, the highest roof of his home, doctors suspected in his case was transferred to Alexandria, admitted taking samples and sending them to labs central Ministry of Health.


This, like the others, is just a suspect case.


Last year, you may remember, between December 25th and January 1st, 4 Egyptian women died from the H5N1 virus.  


Egypt, however, has tested thousands of suspected cases, and of those, only 51 have tested positive for the virus.

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