Another Suspected Bird Flu Case In Semarang



# 2576



A hat tip goes out to Crof of Crofsblog who has a translation of an article appearing on, about another suspected bird flu case in the Semarang region of Central Java.   


This makes at least the third such suspected case from that area in a the past two months. 


As of this writing, there has been no announcement of test results, and so this remains (as so many of them do) unconfirmed.


It should be noted that Indonesia has an announced policy of not confirming bird flu cases as they occur, preferring to make announcements every few months instead.


This translation via ToggleText.


The Demak resident Suspect Bird Flu

On Sunday, December 21 2008 00:00


DEMAK—Seorang villagers Kedunguter, Kecamatan Karangtengah, of Demak had the initials the Tour, 12,  terpaksa was run off with to the Daerah Hospital (RSD) Sunan Kalijaga Demak. His article, that was relevant was indicated  suspect bird flu.

RSD Sunan Kalijaga Sukarjo SKM public relations, Mkes said, the patient that still these children an arrival in the hospital at once was done peme­riksaan the health. The same patient was isolated in the special room. This matter was done in order to be able to be handled intensively by the available doctor.

According to him, the condition for the patient could worsen because me­ngalami the sign was similar to the bird flu illness, like the hot body high that was accompanied breathlessly. “Setelah came in the hospital, immediately was handled by us in a khusus,”terang manner him to this newspaper, yesterday.




Last month, Semarang was the site of another highly publicized bird flu case, that of Dewi Sartika (15), where local officials initially stated she was positive for the H5N1 virus.



Nov 12, 6:31 AM EST

Indonesia records 113th bird flu death

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- An Indonesian teenager has died of bird flu, raising the death toll in the country hardest hit by the virus to 113, health officials said Wednesday.


The 15-year-old girl died late last week after being hospitalized for 10 days in Semarang, a city 250 miles (400 kilometers) east of capital, Jakarta, said Agus Suryanto, who headed the team of doctors treating her.


Tests from two local laboratories came back positive for bird flu on Wednesday, said Tatik Suryanti, a health agency official.




Several days later, however, Health Minister Supari denied those reports.  



Still, a bird flu alert (KLB) was declared in Semarang, and it stayed in effect for 14 days.   This translation of a news report from last month comes from Pandemic News Information.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Semarang city KLB Bird Flu

The Semarang city KLB Bird Flu

Wednesday, November 12 2008 struck 19:05:00
SEMARANG—Pemerintah the City (the Municipal Government) Semarang stated the extraordinary incident (KLB) bird flu (AI) in the Semarang City territory the eastern part. This was done after one AI case that happened at the beginning of this month claimed the life of Dewi Sartika (15), the resident Medoho III Kelurahan Siwalan, Kecamatan Gayamsari, of Kota Semarang.

“Berdasarkan the report on the Health of the City on the Service (ET AL) Semarang, we stated some City territories Semarang KLB flu burung,” said Semarang Mayor, H Sukawi Sutarip SH SE, on Wednesday (12/11). According to Sukawi, this KLB status official was put into effect since last Wednesday.


After two weeks, the bird flu alert in Semarang was canceled.


Semarang::: government dismisses birdflu alert

November 22, 2008

Yesterday, Friday 21 November 2008, bird flu alert status of Semarang following the former case bird flu infection in human which had killed a teenager, has been dimissed by ministry of health Semarang region. This is regarding to the incubation period of bird flu which last up to 14 days after infection. So far, there are no clinical signs reported near the victim’s area.



Two days later, another suspected case appears in Demak, about 24 kilometers from Semarang.   


This report was translated on November 23rd, 2008  (hat tip Treyfish on Flutrackers) from of a 50 year-old woman with suspected bird flu.


This case was never officially confirmed.



The Demak resident Suspect Bird Flu The

Sunday, November 23 2008 00:00

DEMAK—Lagi, a patient suspect bird flu was treated in RSUP Kariadi Semarang. The female patient had the initials Dj, 50, the resident RT 4 RW 5 Donorejo villages, Kecamatan Karangtengah, Demak, was reconciled to RSUP Kariadi on Tuesday (18/11), after could be treated for two hours in the Daerah Hospital (RSD) Sunan Kalijaga Demak. RSD Sunan Kalijaga Sukardjo SKM public relations said, Dj was carried to the hospital on Tuesday (18/11) with the sign of the hot body high was accompanied by acute coughs as well as was difficult to breathe.



While these cases have either not been confirmed, or have been specifically denied by Indonesian authorities, the area around Semarang has experienced an unusually high amount of bird flu publicity over the past 60 days.

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