Holiday Housekeeping


# 2492



Sharp eyed visitors will notice a couple of new blogs, and two new sections to my sidebar: `Recommended Reading'  and `Pandemic Information Sites'



First, added to the `Favorite Blogs' at the top of the sidebar is Claudinne Roe's excellent Avian Influenza Daily Digest Archive.  Once only available to subscribers, this digest of unclassified raw information is now freely available on the web. 



From the website:


Intelink Avian Influenza Daily Digest

Avian Influenza Daily Digest

November 25, 2008 16:00 GMT

This digest is produced by the United States Government, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Washington DC, USA. Articles and resource documents in this digest are from open sources and unclassified.


This digest contains raw open source content and is not an evaluated intelligence product. Readers are encouraged to contribute updates and/or clarifications that will be posted in subsequent issues of the digest. Articles may contain copyrighted material, further dissemination outside government channels may be prohibited without permission from the copyright owners.



You'll find that not only does Claudinne do a terrific job gathering and presenting these articles, she also puts together some very useful Google earth maps of outbreaks as well.




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The second new blog is's  What's New In the World Of Pandemic and Avian Flu?     


CARE, a humanitarian agency dedicated to fighting global poverty, has been around for more than half a century.   Care provides assistance in some of the poorest countries in the world.


CARE has become heavily involved in the fight against avian flu, and they maintain an avian/pandemic flu  blog site.   I've added their blog link to my Flu Forums & Blogs list.



A sample of some of their recent blog entries includes:



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

CARE partners with ADPC for training: Community-Based Management of AHI in Asia


The Daily Star reports on CARE Bangladesh's AI project


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Indonesia says 17 ill patients in Sulawesi not H5N1


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CARE Egypt presents on behalf of CARE International & NGOs at the 6th International Ministerial AHI conference in Sharm El-Sheikh


CARE works with government to respond to HPAI outbreak in Lao PDR



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A new section added to my sidebar is recommended reading.  Of course, the  must-read HHS/CDC community pandemic mitigation guide is included,  but I will also keep recent important scientific papers or other timely documents in this list.  


I will add to, and swap out, documents over time.




Recommended Reading



HHS/CDC Community Pandemic Mitigation Plan


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Last, but not least,  I've added a  Pandemic Information Sites  list to the sidebar, where I will put informative or interesting pandemic information links that don't quite fit in other categories.  


I've added the American Red Cross, CAREAPHA, and Save The Children.  More will undoubtedly be added over time.

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