HHS Webcast Today


# 2428





The next in the  series of HHS Webcasts on pandemic preparedness is scheduled for later on today (October 29th), at 1 pm ET



It will feature HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt, and his guests will include HHS science advisor Dr. Bill Raub, Dr. Mike Osterholm director of CIDRAP, and Maggie Fox, Health and Science editor for Reuters. 



You may email in questions prior to, and during the broadcast. 



Here is the HHS announcement:

October Webcast

On October 29, 2008, at 1:00 pm ET, we will have a special edition of PlanFirst, featuring HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt and special guests Dr. Bill Raub, Science Advisor to Secretary Leavitt; Dr. Mike Osterholm, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota; and Maggie Fox, Reuters.


Secretary Leavitt will provide formal remarks regarding the Nation’s pandemic planning effort. He will then join a roundtable discussion with our special guests to discuss the Nation’s level of pandemic preparedness and related issues.


As always, our guests, including Secretary Leavitt, will take questions from our viewing audience.



No registration is required. Email your questions for the Webcast panelists before and/or during the program to hhsstudio@hhs.gov. Please include your first name, state and town.


The pandemic influenza PlanFirst Webcasts are brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.



You may also watch any of the previous HHS webcasts (there are 6 in the archive).

Individual Preparedness Webcast (September 25)

Home Health Care Agencies Planning Webcast (July 8)

Workplace Preparation Webcast (June 4)

State Planning Process Webcasts

Resources for State Planning Process

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