# 2327
The latest in a series of PlanFirst Webcasts from the HHS is scheduled to take place today (September 25th) at 2pm EDT.
This month's broadcast will be on individual preparedness for a pandemic. You may submit your questions via email prior to, and during the broadcast.
Here is the HHS description of Today's broadcast.
PlanFirst Webcasts on Pandemic Influenza
September Webcast
Join us on September 25, 2008, at 2:00 pm ET, for our Webcast on individual preparedness.
Every sector of society is responsible for preparing now for an influenza pandemic. Even families and individuals have a role in planning for an influenza pandemic. The media buzz around “bird flu” has died down but the H5N1 virus has not. We must continue to prepare our Nation for a flu pandemic.
To help citizens learn more about pandemic flu and the steps they can take now to plan for a pandemic and to protect their loved ones, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invites you to participate in this important discussion.
- Admiral Joxel Garcia, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Dr. Richard Benjamin, Chief Medical Officer, American Red Cross
- Harlan Dolgin, Co-chair, PandemicPrep.org, St. Louis, Missouri
- Tim Woerther, Co-chair, PandemicPrep.org, St. Louis, Missouri
No registration is required. Email your questions for the Webcast panelists before and/or during the program to hhsstudio@hhs.gov. Please include your first name, state and town.
If you should miss this telecast, these shows are generally archived for later viewing within a week or so of the telecast.
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