Low Path Avian Flu In Mexico?



# 2333



I can find no OIE notification of this outbreak, but there are several newspaper articles alluding to the fact that (unspecified strain) low path bird flu outbreaks have been detected in Veracruz.



ProMED Mail - the alert system of the International Society of Infectious Diseases -  has picked up on some of these news stories and has put out an RFI (Request for Information).





Date: Tue 23 Sep 2008

Source: Diario del Istmo, Agencia Imagen del Golfo report [in
Spanish, trans. & summ. CopyEd.MJ, edited]


An outbreak of bird flu was recorded in the northern area of the state of Veracruz, affecting 78 animals, which have already been slaughtered.


Efrain Acosta Martinez, chief of the animal health program of SAGARPA [Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing, and Food] indicated that, in any case, surveillance continues, and an epidemiological barrier is already in place to stop the disease from spreading.


Acosta Martinez added: "We have some outbreaks of avian influenza in backyards in the north, but we are already working hard [to control the situation]. We have evacuated the premises where the disease was detected, and we can say that we have it under control."


The federal official also stated that the 78 cases were not detected in poultry farms but in animals raised in backyards. After the slaughter of the birds and epidemiological surveillance of the area, Veracruz retains its "free of avian flu" status.


He explained that whenever a focus is detected, reaction has to be quick in order for the state to maintain its free-of-disease status; producers are compensated, [infected] animals are slaughtered, and long-term surveillance of the zone is implemented.



Other similar reports:




The Veracruzenred.com report (machine translated) reads:


Bird flu detected in north state

Xalapa, Ver., 23-Sep 08 (Vreden) .- Although the state of Veracruz is free of the avian flu have been recorded 78 cases of the disease in backyard poultry in the northern part of the state, gave know the chief of Animal Health Program of the SAGARPA, Efrain Acosta Martinez.


"We have some pockets in the north of avian influenza in birds traspasito where this worked hard on it and we have left in the land where the disease has been found so we can say that we have it under control."


An official of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development and Fisheries said when it detects come with the owners who are compensated to the producer and then the animal is slaughtered.


Acosta added that Martinez will continue to sample monitoring along the entity to retain the status of health and to follow everything under control because the state is free of the disease but before any outbreak has to act very quickly .


On the other hand, said it had declined by 30 percent on imports of livestock in the foot this product in the prices of grains.



These reports make it sound as if this has been an ongoing problem.  No word is provided as to what strain of avian influenza has been detected, although H5N2 was reported in northern Mexico back in 1995.



Assuming these news reports are accurate, it begs the question:



Why hasn't there been an OIE report filed by Mexico for avian influenza anytime in the past 4 years?

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