Ike Internet Resources


# 2294





Like many others, I spent much of last night watching (and listening to) Hurricane Ike via the Internet as it roared ashore on the Texas Coast.  




The really hard work of recovery is just beginning, and for now, the full extent of the losses are unknown.    Early reports, while slightly optimistic, are based on less than full information.  


We'll have a much better idea in 24 hours.



At least 4 Million people appear to be without power, and that situation could last for days (even weeks for some people).   Search and rescue operations are just now getting underway.



We've heard very little from communities further up the Texas Coast, such as Beaumont and Port Arthur. 



As you watch this story unfold try to remember that there are thousands of public safety employees out there, risking life and limb, to try to mitigate the effects of this disaster.  


People who did not evacuate from low lying areas, or who are not prepared to shelter in place for several day (as they've been directed), only add to their burden and risk.



In a week, or maybe two, this story will fade from the headlines, and we will be consumed with the `next big story', but for the residents of Texas and Louisiana this is going to be a long-term event.

One measured in months, not days.






For those interested in some links to follow this unfolding event, here are some that I've been using.   


Be aware that these links come and go, and may not always be available.



RAW News feed video is being streamed by:





Four Houston TV Stations may be viewed at:





KHOU TV has a forum where citizen can report damage, and leave messages located :





And the Fox TV affiliate has a streaming chat room where people can post damage reports and ask questions - Fox 26 Chat (Stream 1):





Please realize that  these are often RAW feeds, and anything your read in the damage report forums is likely to be unconfirmed.

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