Idaho Bird Farm Quarantined With Avian Flu Strain



# 2278



No, it's not H5N1.   



But it does appear to be an H5 virus, at least according to the initial filing with the OIE.  


Lab testing has identified the virus as the H5N8 strain which is low pathogenic, and not believed to pose a danger to humans.


First the story as it appeared in the AP reporting, then then some snippets from the OIE filing  (hat tip Niman at Flutrackers).





Sep 4, 11:29 AM EDT

Idaho bird farm quarantined after bird virus found


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- A southwestern Idaho bird farm has been quarantined after a bird there was found to have a low-pathogenic bird flu, but Idaho Department of Agriculture officials say it is not the same bird flu virus that has spread through birds in Asia, Europe and Africa.


According to a statement from the Agriculture Department, the type of virus found in the Idaho game bird is commonly found in wild birds and normally causes only minor illness in the animals. The statement said the virus poses little or no risk to human health and it's not believed that any people have gotten sick in connection with the ill bird.


The Agriculture Department quarantined the farm and will test the flock, investigate the source of the illness and notify neighboring gamebird and poultry farms.




Follow the link to read the entire filing, I've just copied some of the more pertinent data over.     According to this report, there are roughly 30,000 birds at this farm.   


A quarantine has been established, but no culling has been reported.





Immediate notification report


Report reference: , Ref OIE: 7319, Report Date: 03/09/2008 , Country: United States of America

Report Summary


Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry) Animal type Terrestrial

Causal Agent

Low pathogenic avian influenza virus Serotype(s) H5N8



Epidemiological comments

• The game bird owner recently submitted three dead birds to the Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory and Pennsylvania State University (PSU) for diagnostic work-up.

• The PSU laboratory identified Pasturella and Mycoplasma from culture but also ran the PCR test for avian influenza (AI), which is a routine testing procedure. The PCR test gave positive results for AI. Samples were also forwarded to the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) for confirmation.

Printed on: Thu Sep 4 18:40:58 Paris, Madrid (heure d'été) 2008 Page 1/3

• 29 August 2008: the NVSL confirmed an H5 positive, N1 negative PCR finding.

• The premises was quarantined by the Idaho Department of Agriculture on 29 August 2008.

• Enhanced surveillance and epidemiological investigation of the game bird premises began on 29 August 2008 by the Idaho Department of Agriculture officials, in conjunction with USDA APHIS Veterinary Services personnel.

• 2 September 2008: the NVSL confirmed and reported an H5N8 positive virus from samples taken from pheasants on the game bird premises.

• 3 September 2008: sequencing results from NVSL were compatible with low pathogenic avian influenza. The sequence is approximately 98.5% similar to  /mallard/BC/373/2005 H5N2 and 98.3% similar to A/tundra swan/AK/44049-168/2006 H5N2.

Note by the OIE Animal Health Information Department: H5 and H7 avian influenza in its low pathogenic form in poultry is a notifiable disease as per Chapter 2.7.12. on avian influenza of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code.


Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection

• Contact with wild species

Control Measures


• Quarantine To be applied • Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)

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