Egypt: More Media Reports - Still Awaiting Confirmation


# 2317





Our Egyptian blogger, Zeinobia, has a short piece on the suspect case I blogged on from Tanta yesterday.   Zenobia blogs on many subjects, including avian flu, in her blog The Egyptian Chronicles.




Monday, September 22, 2008

A possible Return of the H5N1

I remember from few months ago the ministry of Health and the WHO announced that Egypt is no longer in the H5N1 danger zone , we were not hot spot anymore then. We believed that thanks to the fact that there were no infection cases but it seems that we can be wrong because yesterday it was announced officially that 45 years old housewife "Huda Noah" from Gharbia "Nile Delta" was suspected to have H5N1 . She is currently in the Hospital waiting for the tests results to say if she is H5N1 Positive or Negative , hopefully insh Allah it will be Negative and it is just strong cold

The problem is that Gharbia suffered a lot from the H5N1




Almasry-Alyoum has an article on this case (hat tip Florida1 at Flutrackers) as well.



The upshot appears to be, while everyone it talking about this suspect case, no one has yet to confirm it as being H5N1.   There are, after all,  other possibilities besides bird flu.


Thousands of suspect cases have been hospitalized and have been tested for the virus in Egypt over the past two years. 


To date, of those, only 50 people have tested positive.




Tests, as they say, are pending.





Woman suspected bird flu infection Baep
Wrote just dug and Mohamed Fayed 22/9/2008

Hospital took place in the pathogenesis of the West on Sunday along Noah «45 years» from the village of Cbshir bulwark of the Center for Tanta, after suspected bird flu, citizenship has suffered a very high temperature, bone pain, and lack of breathing, was placed inside one of Rooms for the induction of such cases, and given the drug Tamiflu


It was taking a sample to send to laboratories of the Ministry of Health, to demonstrate the extent of morbidity or not, and veterinary services discovered a new center of the home of the infected, and the execution of 160 birds after confirmation of infection, including 18 birds.

And Dr. Sharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Baep infected birds were positive focus for the execution of these birds, while there were no reports of injuries Ms. confirm whether the disease so far.

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