SophiaZoe Moving to New Digs


# 2198



SophiaZoe is one of our most astute bloggers, and a good buddy of mine, so I'm pleased to help announce her move to a new format, and and new URL.     


Here is how she announced this move today, on her website:




Today I introduce my new blogging home A Pandemic Chronicle .


For the month of August I plan to post my blogging efforts here at Journey as well as at my new site A Pandemic Chronicle, but after this month I will only be posting at APC and Journey will go dormant, though still accessible. I have imported all of Journey's posts into my new blog but I did not want to invalidate all of the old links and refs to Journey so I will maintain it as a historic repository.


I did not decide to make this move without consideration for the issues of discontinuity but what I – and my readers – will gain by moving to a WordPress platform should help offset the "costs" associated with such a move.


Although I have yet to figure out how to get a "Contact Me" function up and running I'm working on it (in my spare time of course).  In the meantime, if anyone has any feedback or suggestions (like how to do a Contact Me form) I can be reached at the following email address: sophiazoe AT me DOT com [replace AT with @, and DOT with . ]  It's easy to remember, even for me.


So, check it out already!  [ remember to update your bookmarks]  I hope you like what you find as far as presentation and functionality goes. 




So, update your bookmarks and enjoy her new digs as much as I do.

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