Two Came Back


# 2161




For bloggers, occasionally life gets in the way, and blog entries can temporarily cease - or at least slow to a dribble.   When that happens, regular readers may stop checking their sites, and miss noticing that they have returned.



I'm happy to report that two of our best bloggers - Maryn McKenna and SophiaZoe - have returned with gusto after brief absences. 




Maryn's blog  Superbug functions as a `virtual whiteboard' as she works on her next book which will deal with MRSA.  While this blog deals mostly with the problems of drug resistant bacteria,  Maryn is no stranger to pandemic flu issues.



Maryn McKenna and CIDRAP News received  an Award for Excellence in Health Care Journalism on Mar 29 for her seven-part series, "The Pandemic Vaccine Puzzle."   If you haven't read it, this award was well deserved.  


Here are links to all 7 parts.

The pandemic vaccine puzzle

Part 1: Flu research: a legacy of neglect
Part 2: Vaccine production capacity falls far short
Part 3: H5N1 poses major immunologic challenges
Part 4: The promise and problems of adjuvants
Part 5: What role for prepandemic vaccination?
Part 6: Looking to novel vaccine technologies

Part 7: Time for a vaccine 'Manhattan Project'?







SophiaZoe, my cyber-twin and good buddy, has returned after several months of being buried at work.   She has been blogging up a storm at  A Journey Through The World of Pandemic Influenza the past couple of weeks.


A few of her (very) recent entries include:


House of Lords report

Anecdotal vs Empirical evidence

A humanitarian crisis: Ethiopia

Britain’s House of Lords Report: Take II

Hinterland disease and national security

Fear: Real and ego driven




If you've fallen out of the habit of visiting their blogs, now is a good time to resume.

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