Thailand : 4 Bird Flu Suspect Cases Test Negative


# 2193






Via  The Nation, we get word that the 4 suspect bird flu patients we learned about this morning  have tested negative for the H5N1 virus, according to the Thai Public Health Ministry. 





Four test negative for bird flu

By The Nation
Published on July 31, 2008

Four people in Phichit province who were suspected of having contracted the birdflu virus have tested negative for the disease, the Public Health Ministry said yesterday.


Deputy permanent secretary Dr Paijit Warachit said he ordered the mobile rapid diseaseinvestigation unit to collect blood samples from the four for testing against the H5N1 strain of the virus at Nakhon Sawan's provincial Science Centre.


The laboratory results found that none of the four had the H5N1 virus, which can be lethal to humans. Three of them are suffering from seasonal influenza, while the fourth has no flu whatsoever.


The four people tested were Krisada Tiangtham, six years old, Nadda Tiangyoo, 10, Tabtim Promsri, 62, and Wanna Toramram, 70. They all remain under observation in Phichit's Sam Ngam Hospital. Krisada does not have the flu.


The four reported they had come into contact with dead chickens in their village before falling ill. Three days later, they had a high fever, and it was feared they had been infected with the H5N1 strain of the birdflu virus.


Paijit has asked healthcare volunteers in Sam Ngam district to monitor the symptoms of the relatives of the three patients with seasonal flu for the next 12 days. If any suspicious symptoms are found, they will also be sent to hospital immediately.


He also urged villagers to avoid cooking food using chickens or ducks that have died suspiciously. Villagers should incinerate any such poultry in order to minimise the risk of the H5N1 virus spreading to other areas, he said.

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