Lost In Cyberspace


# 2118



Not me.  My mail.


For more than 10 years I've used Yahoo webmail, and pretty much without complaint.   Sure, there have been occasional blips and burps along the way, but never anything too bad.



Yesterday I was suddenly frozen out of my Yahoo account.  Why?   I have no idea.    



The only thing I really use it for is email.    But I've got a good deal of contact information stored there, along with hundreds of saved emails.



Over the past 24 hours I've tried, without success, to get a new password issued.     My first request was answered by a `form email' suggesting I log into my yahoo account, and change my password.





My second correspondence netted a new hurdle, requiring me to fax a photo ID, and the information I've already sent them twice before.   The killer is, they are demanding my secret question and answer (no exceptions, sorry). 



Something I chose from a list 10 years ago. 


I have no idea which question I picked.   I ASSUMED they would ask me the question at some point, and I'd supply the correct answer.  


Silly me.


The upshot to all of this is I've changed my email to  a hotmail account.    Please, if you have my old yahoo email in your contacts list, change it to the new account.   The EMAIL ME  link in my sidebar has changed.


Regulars, who email me from time to time, might want to drop me a line just so I can get their email addresses back in my contacts list.   Sorry for any inconvenience.

And if you've emailed me in the past 48 hours, please resend to my new address.



I'm still hoping to retrieve the information from Yahoo, although it now looks like that won't happen for a few days.  


Always the optimist, I know.

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