Idaho BlogEx: July 24th Update


# 2173



This is an exercise. It is not real.





The Southeastern District Health Department of Idaho continues their online pandemic exercise with the release of updated absenteeism, and fatality figures for this scenario.


There are also 4 videos available to watch, as well.


But of course the big draw to this exercise is the interaction between the SDHD and the participants in the comments.  


If you haven't been keeping up, today seems like a slow bird flu news day (so far, anyway), and a good day to do so.






July 24: Scenario Update

July 24, 2008

Pandemic Flu continues to spread in southeast Idaho.  Several counties in southeast Idaho have declared a state of emergency and begun establishing, supplying, and finding staff for the alternate care sites (Note: on July 30 and 31, most counties in the district will setup their alternate care sites as part of this exercise).  Absenteeism is affecting staffing in most stores, and many service related businesses have decided to close because citizens are not out and about shopping and spending money; instead, they are staying home and following the voluntary isolation measures.



There are currently no travel restrictions in place. 



Today’s sickness numbers are posted below. Notice that the fatalities are beginning. I had to take out the population column so the fatalities column would show up (web page design issue). Please refer to the July 23 scenario update for county populations.



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