HHS Webcast Next Week


# 2120



With the long 4th of July weekend ahead of us, and this Webcast scheduled for next Tuesday, I wanted to give everyone a head's up.  The subject of the next PlanFirst webcast will be home healthcare delivery during a pandemic. 


These web broadcasts are extremely valuable conduits of information, but they don't do much good unless people know about them in advance. 


If you should miss the live broadcast, these shows are archived on the HHS site for later viewing. 


Here is the HHS description of the next episode.





PlanFirst Webcasts on Pandemic Influenza



On March 13, 2008, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched PlanFirst, a regular Webcast series on pandemic planning. The goal of the PlanFirst Webcasts is to help states, local communities, employers, faith-based and civic organizations, and families and individuals learn more about pandemic planning.

July 8th Webcast

Please join us July 8th for a live discussion on the impact of an influenza pandemic on home health care agencies.

No registration is required. Email your questions for the Webcast panelists before and/or during the program to hhsstudio@hhs.gov. Please include your first name, state and town.


PlanFirst Webcast, July 8, 2pm, ET


  • Key topics:
    • Assumptions that need to be considered when assigning a care-giving role to home care agencies during a pandemic
    • Operational, ethical and legal challenges pandemic planners will face 
    • Strategies home health care agencies can employ to overcome these challenges
  • Speakers
    • Alexis Silver, Senior Director, Policy and Development, Home Care Association of New York State
    • Geraldine A. Coyle, Deputy Chief Consultant, Administration and Logistics, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    • James G. Hodge, Jr.,  Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Outline for the Webcast: HTML | PPT
Previous Webcasts

A Webcast on preparing the workplace aired on June 4, 2008.

Webcasts, on the State planning and assessment process, aired on March 13, April 2 and April 30, 2008.

The pandemic influenza PlanFirst Webcasts are brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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