HHS: Home Health Care During An Influenza Pandemic


 Correction:  Webcast is today,  July 8th.


# 2126



Obviously dovetailing with Today's HHS PlanFirst Webcast on Home Health Care issues, we  have a new online report available on Pandemicflu.gov




It is entitled Home Health Care During an Influenza Pandemic: Issues and Resources


Knebel A, Phillips SJ, eds. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Home Health Care During an Influenza Pandemic: Issues and Resources. AHRQ Publication No. 08-0018. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; July 2008.




The Webcast airs live at 2pm EDT, today  and may be heard here. 


  • Key topics:
    • Assumptions that need to be considered when assigning a care-giving role to home care agencies during a pandemic
    • Operational, ethical and legal challenges pandemic planners will face 
    • Strategies home health care agencies can employ to overcome these challenges
  • Speakers
    • Alexis Silver, Senior Director, Policy and Development, Home Care Association of New York State
    • Geraldine A. Coyle, Deputy Chief Consultant, Administration and Logistics, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    • James G. Hodge, Jr.,  Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Outline for the Webcast: HTML | PPT
  • Resources
Previous Webcasts

A Webcast on preparing the workplace aired on June 4, 2008.

Webcasts, on the State planning and assessment process, aired on March 13, April 2 and April 30, 2008.




I've not had time to examine this new document, although at first glance it appears to have a lot of good information. 


There is a section on the willingness of healthcare workers to report to work during a pandemic, and I am interested to see how they address those concerns.


I expect, over the next couple of days, I'll have more to say on this document.

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