BlogEx: Final Day


# 2186










Today is the last official day of the Southeastern District Health Department's BlogEx pandemic exercise.    There is much to see and think about on this website. 


My congratulations to Darin Letzring, the All Hazards Planner with the Southeastern District Health Department in Pocatello, and everyone else connected with this project.    Hopefully this will inspire others to follow suit, or to come up with some other innovative way to use the Internet to spread pandemic awareness.








July 29: Scenario Update

July 29, 2008

This is an exercise. It is not real.

Good morning.  Today is the last day of the blogex. Yesterday’s mock news cast created the situation that pandemic has peaked here in Southeast Idaho. Tomorrow begins the Emergency Operations Center and Alternate Care Site portions of the exercise.


Now ask yourself: What am I doing? What am I eating? What am I drinking?  Where are my family and friends? What about my workplace?  Consider two, four, six weeks down the road with continued sickness, absenteeism at work, supply chain problems, and deaths.  The way to prepare for it is to visualize your daily life amongst all the problems. Some of the simplest things like having enough drinking water could become very difficult.


We’ll have a short wrap-up post in a day or two.

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