The Readymom's Alliance In Orlando




# 2035







The Readymoms are a volunteer, grassroots, organization that began a little more than a  year ago to spread the pandemic preparedness message.   (see correction/update at bottom).



Over the past year they have attended many high profile events, such as the APHA (American Public Health Association) Convention in Washington D.C  and the Second National Emergency Management Summit, also held in the nation's capital.



I've covered their exploits many times, including here, here, here, and here.   What began with the original Readymom herself, has now grown into a non-profit organization, with more than a dozen volunteers. 



Led now by Dr. Susan Chu, the Readymoms Alliance is proving that citizen activists can make a major impact. 




Next week, the Readymoms will be at the ACHA (American College Health Association) Annual meeting in Orlando, and I'm delighted to say I've been invited to help out in the booth.  




This means I'll be out of town, and probably unable to blog, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (please hold your applause).



College and university students are particularly vulnerable during a pandemic or other crisis for several reasons.



  • First, they are of the age group that often is severely impacted by a novel pandemic virus. 
  • Second, millions of them will be far away from the safety net of home, some for the first time. 
  • Third, to get home, many will have to use public transportation during a time when doing so may not be advisable.
  • And fourth, college students - with the rigors of study and the distractions of their social life - are unlikely to be thinking about pandemics, or other crises, and are therefore less likely to be prepared.



The CDC/HHS website has a section on pandemic preparedness for colleges and universities, with a checklist for administrators to follow in setting up their plan. 


Missing, however, is information geared for the student on how to prepare for a pandemic, or any other prolonged emergency.   



Enter the Readymoms, with practical advice on pandemic and emergency preparedness.



The Readymoms have produced several posters that can be downloaded and used by other organizations to help spread the preparedness message. 



They are hosted on the Flu Wiki, and may be downloaded here.


These are 48in x 36in, and are ready to be sent to any poster-printing company.  These posters are designed to fit on table-top trifold display boards.






Armed with these posters, anyone can help spread the preparedness message. 



If you are going to be at the ACHA meeting this week in Orlando, I hope you will stop by the Readymom booth and speak to either Susan or myself. 





The original Readymom, the person who started the Readymom's movement, left this comment and I thought it deserved to be up here with the main blog. -Mike





Thanks for mentioning this event, FM! Unfortunately, I had a previous family event lined up and couldn't attend this one. I would have loved to meet you. RMA is very grateful that you have stepped up to our plea for some help at this event!

If you don't mind I'd like to make one small correction to your post ... RMA has been incorporated as a non-profit for LESS than a year! RMA was first incorporated as a non-profit grassroots organization in January of 2008! Making this organization still in in it's infancy.

RMA has actually become a 'gifted' infant, if it's oke to say (proud parent that I am (add a blush and a wink, here, lol!) Since November of 07, RMA has:

--attended 5 national events/summits/conferences (one of which being the 'Global' NDIS meeting held recently in Arlington, VA).

--RMA has also been invited to participate in several Roche events scattered across the US. First one was in Philadelphia where were were well received and have already got three additional events in Pennsylvania lined up!

--Two more events are coming up quickly:

As you mentioned, we will have your help at the 'American College Health Association's Annual meeting in Orlando'(June 3-7) and the other is 'National PTA Convention in San Diego' (June 20-23).

I'm thinking this RMA infant is quickly moving through stages of development faster than the RMA parents can keep up!

Have a great time at the ACHA event! Go Get 'Em! -k

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