HHS Seeking Public Comment On Pandemic Guidance Documents


# 2045



The HHS has just published 3 interim guidance documents on pandemic influenza and is asking for public comment on them between now and July 3rd, 2008.  


Here is the announcement. (slightly reformatted for readability).  Follow the link for complete submission rules.






Notice of Availability of Draft Guidances To Assist in Preparation for an Influenza Pandemic

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Health and Human Services.

ACTION: Notice of Availability.


SUMMARY: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is seeking public comment on three draft guidances:


  • Interim Guidance on the Use and Purchase of Facemasks and Respirators by Individuals and Families for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness;


  • Proposed Guidance on Antiviral Drug Use during an Influenza Pandemic


  •  Proposed Considerations for Antiviral Drug Stockpiling by Employers In Preparation for an Influenza Pandemic.


The draft Guidances are now available on the HHS Web site

DATES: Submit comments on or before July 3, 2008.



A hat tip goes to Crof, on Crofsblog,  for alerting me to this request.



Since I'm leaving for the Orlando Conference in the morning, and will be gone most of the next 3 days, I probably won't have time to read and blog on these documents until the weekend at the earliest.


The documents in question are available in PDF form from the links below.




Notice of Availability of Draft Guidances to Assist in Preparation for an Influenza 

The USG is requesting comment from the public and interested stakeholders on three draft guidances: Interim Guidance on the Use and Purchase of Facemasks and Respirators by Individuals and Families for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness; Proposed Guidance on Antiviral Drug Use During an Influenza Pandemic; and Proposed Considerations for Antiviral Drug Stockpiling by Employers In Preparation for an Influenza Pandemic.



Submit Comments on the Interim Guidance on the Use and Purchase of Facemasks and Respirators by Individuals and Families for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness


Submit Comments on the Proposed Guidance on Antiviral Drug Use During an Influenza Pandemic




Submit Comments on the Proposed Considerations for Antiviral Drug Stockpiling by Employers In Preparation for an Influenza Pandemic

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