Scott McPherson's Upcoming Radio Interview

# 1942



Radio Sandy Springs is a LPAM  (low-power-AM) radio station operating in Sandy Springs, a suburb of Atlanta.  It is a little station with big ideas, and has managed to snag such luminaries as David Nabarro, Henry Niman, and Dr. Pat O'Neal (Dir. Georgia EMS) on their  Infectious Disease program which airs on Mondays at 4 pm ET.


While their broadcast range is limited (albeit helped by repeaters around Atlanta) Radio Sandy Springs also broadcasts on the Internet, and the shows are archived for later listening.


Next Monday Sharon Sanders, editor of Flutrackers will begin the show with her regular weekly update of avian influenza news, and then the rest of the hour will consist of a conversation between the host, David Moxley,  and Scott McPherson. 


Scott, as you probably know, not only blogs on IT issues for ComputerWorld, but also has his own Avian Flu blog.   When he isn't blogging Scott also somehow finds time to be the CIO of the Florida State House of Representatives. 


If this seems like a shameful plug for a couple of good friends . . . well I guess it is.  But it's a slow news day, and it's my blog.   So I'll go forth unrepentant.


Here is the Radio Sandy Springs Press Release.







/24-7PressRelease/ - SANDY SPRINGS, GA, May 02, 2008


 Scott McPherson, Senior Moderator for for 2 years, Chief Information Officer for the Florida House of Representatives, recognized national expert in Information Technologies and Disasters. Was the Chief Information Officer for the Department of Corrections for the State of Florida previously, and has made presentations on Pandemic and Information Technology to the National Association of County and City Health Officials, the State University System of Florida, the University of Illinois, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the National Institute of Corrections.


Scott will be interviewed Monday evening between 4 and 5 PM EDT and the show in its entirety will be replayed at 7PM EDT exclusively on Radio Sandy Springs, all America's Web Radio.

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