Radio Interview On Monday


# 1971



In what must have been a moment of insanity, the host of Radio Sandy Springs (1620 AM) asked if I'd be his guest on Monday's Infectious Disease Show.  


Having virtually no shame, I readily agreed.


The show - coming out of the Atlanta, Georgia area - is best heard on streaming audio on the Internet.  I understand the show will be archived for later listening on their site.


The show airs on Monday, May 12th, at 4pm ET.  The topic will be personal and community preparedness, although we may touch on other topics as well.



The interview will be streamed live on the Internet, and will also be archived for later listening.



Sharon Sanders, editor of Flutrackers will begin the show with her regular weekly update of avian influenza news, and then the rest of the hour will consist of a conversation between the host, David Moxley,  and myself. 

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