Radio Interview Last Night


# 1982



Yesterday I had the pleasure of appearing on The Infectious Disease Show on Radio Sandy Springs  1620 AM out of Atlanta, Georgia.  


The show is broadcast via the Internet, and over the air by a  low-powered AM station.  It airs Monday Afternoons at 4pm ET, and is rebroadcast again at 7pm ET.


Tomorrow sometime, the show should end up archived, and be available for download  HERE.


Normally I wouldn't blog about it after-the-fact, but I have an email  request to provide a short synopsis of the show. 

So, gsgs . .. this one's for you.


The show is hosted by David Moxley, and has been ongoing since 2005.  His recent guests have included David Nabarro from the UN, Scott McPherson, and Sharon Sanders of Flutrackers.


As usual, Sharon Sanders provided an update on the latest flu news at the beginning of the show.  A difficult task given the dearth of news over the past week.


David brought me on about 10 minutes into the show, where we discussed our mutual EMS careers, both beginning in the early 1970's.  We talked about the Swine Flu Scare of 1976, and about how I was engaged by the county Health Department to give presentations on pandemic influenza to civic groups. 


The second  half hour was devoted to personal and neighborhood preparedness.   


  • The need for everyone to take a basic first aid course
  • The need for every household to have a good first aid kit
  • The advice from to stockpile two-weeks of food, water and supplies, and the recommendations from other entities to stockpile greater amounts.
  • The importance of rehydration in influenza cases, and how to make a simple rehydration solution with sugar, salt, and water.
  • The importance of making your neighborhood a `lifeboat' for your neighbors.  `All pandemics is local', I stressed.   It won't matter so much what is happening across town, or in another state, during a pandemic. What really matters is what is happening on your block.
  • I got a plug in for Get Pandemic Ready, a preparedness website that I was lucky enough to be involved in creating.


The hour went by all too quickly, and we weren't able to cover everything I'd have liked to.   The host, however, has asked me to return at a future date for another hour.


All in all, it was a positive experience, and I look forward to speaking with David again.

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