NAMRU-2 Debate Turns Ugly


# 1916




NAMRU-2 is our Naval Medical Research Unit #2, stationed in Jakarta  and specialists in tropical diseases.  Their  MoU, a Memorandum of Understanding, or contract with Indonesia expired on December 31st, 2005.


US diplomats have been trying to draft a new MoU, acceptable to both sides, for NAMRU-2 to operate under.    One of the key points the United States wants is diplomatic immunity for all NAMRU personnel.  Indonesia considers this unacceptable.


Some Indonesian  politicians appear anxious to take advantage of this impasse, as demonstrated by some of the charges levied below.


Not only are they claiming that NAMRU-2 has been of no benefit to Indonesia over the past 38 years, they are demanding an investigation into possible espionage on the part of the NAMRU personnel. 


Frankly, if the Indonesians want the U.S. to back down on their demand for diplomatic immunity, making reckless and unsubstantiated charges of espionage isn't the way to go about it. 


That's precisely the reason that nations grant and  use diplomatic immunity, to prevent their citizens from being detained on trumped up charges.




A Hat tip to Crof on Crofsblog for this article.    Crof has a few choice words on the subject as well,  first on the issue of diplomatic immunity, and then on these latest  inflammatory charges.




News Focus: Extension of RI-US cooperation on Namru-2 facing resistence

By Andi Abdussalam
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The extension of operation with US Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (Namru2) now under negotiations between Indonesia and the United States is facing resistance from legislators and professionals.


"The government should stop and take over the operation of Namru-2 laboratory," Mutammimul Ula, member of the House of Representatives` Commission I which deals with foreign affairs, said here on Thursday.


During 30 years of operation in Indonesia, Namru-2 failed to provide the country with concrete benefits in the defense and health fields.
Mutammimul Ula claimed that other legislators agreed if the drafting process of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) released by the Foreign Ministry is terminated.


"Indonesia has now established cooperation with various institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) to carry out researches and data transfers," he said adding that therefore the extension of cooperation with Namru-2 was not necessary.


"The government should adversely carry out investigation on allegation that the Namru-2 staffers were involved in intelligence operations," he said.


The US embassy in Jakarta should provide evidence and fact that Namru-2 is not an institution carrying out espionage activities, according to the legislator.



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