Crof On The Media




My apologies to any flu bloggers who entered the field before Crof did in March of 2005, no slight was intended.  Crof sets the record straight - giving proper credit to Henry Niman,  Effect Measure, and Orange of The Coming Influenza Pandemic? -  all of whom began blogging before Crof.


I've changed the wording below to crofsblog being `one of the first' flu blogs, correcting a regrettable lapse on my part. 


Thanks, Crof for the Prehistory of Flublogia.






# 1865



Crawford Kilian, or Crof as he's better known, is the dean of bird flu bloggers, and an accomplished author and teacher as well.  Crofsblog was one of the first, and arguably remains the best, flu blog/resource on the net.


In his blog, The media that didn't bark in the night  Crof gives us his thoughts on how the media, particularly in hot zone countries, should be covering the bird flu beat.  


Highly recommended.

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