Indonesian Media: 2 Patients Test Positive For H5N1 In Lampung







# 1792



Yesterday we learned that 10 people were suspected of having contracted bird flu in a village in the Lampung Province, on the southern tip of Sumatra.   


Today, the local press is confirming that at least two of these patients have tested positive for the virus. 


Eight others from the village are under observation.


I've not seen any official announcement from Depkes, the Ministry of Health, confirming this report.



A double hat tip to newshounds Dutchy and Ironorehopper on Flutrackers for collaborating on this translation.




Infectious diseases: two Long residents Positive Burung Flu


Banda Lampung (Lampost): two residents of the Batu Suluh Village, Way Laga, of Panjang, Banda Lampung, positive was infected by the bird flu virus.


This was the case of first bird flu that attacked humankind in Banda Lampung.


Kesehatan Banda Lampung Section Head Dr. Reihana named results of the VCR inspection (the test of the throat liquid) that was carried out by the Team of Avian Influenza Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek stated two from 10 residents Way Laga positive was infected by the bird flu virus.


"Signs that emerged tended to show the existence" of the "virus infection H5N1," said Reihana, on Thursday (13-3).


The two positive patients this bird flu, LA (20) and Kt (52), currently must undergo the maintenance in isolation space of RSUAM.


"Sedangkan eight other patients were still being observed," said Reihana./

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