Indonesia: More Details On Father-Son Suspect Cases


# 1736



The local media, as usual, is carrying more details on the latest suspected bird flu human cases.  While machine translations are always a bit difficult to evaluate, this one seems fairly straight forward.


This article identifies the suspects as  S (38) and IFH(9), and gives their condition as stable, with a normal white count, normal oxygen saturation, but with X-rays showing mild pneumonia.


Reportedly both victims helped to bury dead poultry, and that H5N1 infected birds had been found in their village.





A hat tip to Dutchy and Commonground on Flutrackers for this translation from KOMPAS.


Bapak dan Anak di Solo Diduga Terkena Flu Burung
Minggu, 2 Maret 2008 | 02:01 WIB


S (38) and his child, IFH (9), the resident of the Kedungampel Village, Desa Kedungampel, of Kecamatan Cawas, Kabupaten Klaten, Central Java, was stated was expected (suspect) bird flu.


Since Saturday (1/3), they were treated in space of the Hospital isolation Dr Moewardi, Solo, Central Java.


Chairman Tim of the Medic the Handling of Bird Flu of RSUD Dr Moewardi, Dr Reviono SpP, said, S and IFH were the reconciliation patient from the Health Service of the Klaten Regency.



From results of the inspection, saturasi their oxygen was still good, 99-100 percent, and the level of normal leucocyte.



Nevertheless, they continued to be stated was expected by bird flu because of having the story of contact with the poultry died suddenly.

Results x-rayed then showed the existence of pneumonia, despite minimal.


Last Thursday, in the Krajan Village, Desa Banding, Kecamatan Bringin, Kabupaten Semarang, Central Java, also was found by the case of bird flu, following died the suddenness of several chickens belonging to the resident.


Therefore, yesterday, as many as 542 chickens and 379 items of the chicken egg were belonging to the resident of the Krajan Village destroyed in a mass fashion by the Peternakan Service and fisheries of Kabupaten Semarang.

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