WHO : Mother-Daughter Infection In Indonesia


# 1651



The World Health Organization's website has a surprise update this morning, giving us details on a new human bird flu infection in Indonesia that happens to be the daughter of a woman who tested positive in late January.  


So far, the news media doesn't seem to have caught wind of this story.


While both had exposures to birds in their neighborhood, the daughter developed symptoms 10 days after the mother, opening up the possibility of a  H-2-H (human to human) transmission.







Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 39

12 February 2008

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 15-year-old female from West Jakarta, Jakarta Province developed symptoms on 2 February, was hospitalized on 8 February and is currently in hospital in a critical condition.



The case is the daughter of a previously confirmed case, the 38-year-old female from West Jakarta, Jakarta Province who developed symptoms on 23 January.


Investigations into the source of her infection are ongoing.


However, she was exposed to her sick mother on 27-28 January and spent time in a neighbourbood where chickens and other birds were found. Samples from these birds have been taken and are undergoing tests to determine whether they may have been the source of infection.


Of the 127 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 103 have been fatal.

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