The Return Of SophiaZoe


# 1602



SophiaZoe, one of Flublogia's brightest blogging voices,  has been on a bit of a forced hiatus for nearly a month due to . . .  well, I'll let her explain it, as she does in this morning's blog. 


Read it here at A Journey Through The World of Pandemic Influenza.



Welcome back, SZ.  You've been missed!




As an aside, I can tell you how hard it is on us bloggers when life gets in the way of our blogging.  We hate it. But like everyone else we have family obligations, sick days, work or health related disruptions, and even the occasional need for a few days off. 


Although there is not a cent to be made blogging, and the hours are long, and sometimes our eyes glaze over reading repetitive headlines or tortured toggletext translations in the wee hours of the night - most of us blog because if we didn't - we'd explode.  


That's the thing about writers.  They must write.


It is of great comfort for me to know that if I must take a day, or even a week, away from my keyboard, that there are a handful of  highly talented and equally dedicated (read: obsessed) flu bloggers out there that will carry the load. 


My thanks go to Crof, SZ, Scott, The ReveresDemFromCt, and the other bloggers out there that cover the pandemic flu front.   You not only entertain, educate, and delight me on a daily basis, you also make it possible for me to have a pseudo-life away from the keyboard.

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